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What's Your Summer Road Trip Playlist?

What's Your Summer Road Trip Playlist?

Over the May Long Weekend, I spent a bit of time in the car by myself travelling to one of my favourite places on earth - Jasper National Park. I love the drive up the Icefield Parkway (Hwy 93)! The view never gets old and it is one of those epically pretty places on this planet. I'm planning a road trip for next weekend too and once again I will pull out my old school iPod and rock out to some road trip tunes. CarPool Karaoke anyone?

Anyone who has road tripped with me knows how much I like to sing along and there are definitely some classics to get you going. I think I am stuck in the 80's half the time with all of those songs that were hot when I tried to figure out life, what was cool and what wasn't, and generally tried to "just fit in". The songs that echo for many of us are those that have us drifting back in time and have us asking "Remember when?" The power of the senses to relive those poignant moments in life can be overwhelming.

There are some great resources for road trip music from every genre under the sun. Spotify has a "Summer Road Trip 2018" playlist by fabfitfun_official ( with some golden oldies, '80s hair band, and current chart toppers. I guess the debate could be, what makes a great road trip song? TimeOut has a list of "The 50 best road trip songs of all time" ( and why they should be on the list (the playlist can also be found on Spotify ( All of this begs one question.....

What's on your Road Trip Playlist?